Tidelands Taxis

by Dan McGeorge
Tidelands Taxis
Dan McGeorge
Photograph - Photography
Tidelands park sits at the foot of the Coronado bridge. At its shore small skiffs used to access larger boats anchored nearby in the bay are beached while their owners are away. Their charming shapes and colors create a scene beloved by many who pass by. I had taken an evening class there for a full moon and many of the students� images were striking. Returning the next evening with my own camera I waited patiently for the moon to rise once again above the bridge. It never did. Light was fading, time ran out, and I settled for the moon nestled directly behind a bank of clouds. That was good fortune. -Dan McGeorge
July 17th, 2015
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Comments (11)

Nikolyn McDonald
Lovely light and lines - caught my eye immediately. I especially like that there is strong interest throughout, from the overturned boat and disturbed sand in the foreground through thebeached boats with their repeating, receding shapes, to the great lines of the bridge and reflections on the horizon. Maybe I'll go to San Diego! Congratulations on your sale.